Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dude of the Week (#5)

This week's not-quite weekly award goes to Jet Pack Dude. JPD, aka, Glenn Martin of New Zealand, unveiled a "practical" jet pack he plans to start selling next year for 100,000 dollars a piece. Sweet!

Why is this DOW material? Check out this excerpt from a NY Times article about JPD.

“There is nothing that even comes close to the dream that the jetpack allows you to achieve,” said Robert J. Thompson, the director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. He called it “about the coolest desire left to mankind.”

Um. Really? Nothing "even comes close"? How about Jessica Alba and 13 gallons of fudge sauce? Or, like, an army of sexy cyborgs? Okay, so Mr. Thompson needs to rein in the hyperbole, but the gist of his quote is true. For dudes. Ask a dude of GenX or older kinda age if he would like to have a jetpack and you will get a yes that's a little too first-time-seeing-a-live-boob caliber excited. It's like some weird Holy Grail of dude childhood. A Jetpack! F*ck Yeah! I could totally impress Cheryl Tiegs with one of those!

So, JPD, for never giving up on that jetpack dream, you are such a dude!


Anonymous said...

The ladies can also appreciate the true wonder of a functional jet pack. said...

Excellent! This time the DW is actually happy to hear he yet again knows nothing about the ladies...

Anonymous said...

jet pack! i'll order one on my video phone.... doh!